Mason County Schools were well represented at the Region II Social Studies Fair held March 15, 2022 at Mountain Health Arena in Huntington. There were three first place winners, one second place winner, and two third place winners.
The first places winners will move on to the State Social Studies Fair April 29, 2022 at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center. Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
1st place winners-
U.S. History- Evolution of Mickey Mouse-Mattie Green and Maelin Smith-New Haven Elementary
World History-Bubonic Plague-Savanna Decker and Mylie Young-Wahama Jr/Sr High

State and Local Studies-Steve Harvey-Kaycee Tennant and Fiona VanMatre-Wahama Jr/Sr High
2nd place winners:
U.S. History-The History of Cheerleading-Alexis lucas and Claire Thompson-Roosevelt Elementary
3rd place winners:
World History-History of Domesticated Animals-Kabella Ord-New Haven
World History-Samari-Weston Jones-Wahama Jr/Sr High School